A newly discovered exoplanet called WASP-189 b is so hot that it can melt iron. Its host star is also unusual, which is attracting researchers’ attention.

The CHEOPS mission watched the planet pass in front of its star, which allowed researchers to learn about its shape and size. This new research will help scientists better understand exoplanets and the stars they orbit.

Solar Panels

Solar panels, also called photovoltaics, capture energy from the sun’s rays and convert it into usable electricity. They can be used to power homes and businesses, or even a small utility-scale system.

To make a solar panel, a series of silicon wafers are placed in a glass casing and attached to metal conductors and wiring. When light passes through the silicon wafers, it knocks electrons free from atoms.

Silver, the most conductive element in the world, intercepts these electrons and turns them into current. The current in turn flows through the copper wires and metal conductors in the panel.

Solar panels are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. They produce 25 times less carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt hour than coal-powered electricity.

Solar Panel Installation

If you’re ready to install a solar system, it’s important to choose a reputable solar installer who can make the process as quick and painless as possible. A good company will work with you to navigate state and municipal requirements, homeowners association paperwork, and utility paperwork to get the job done.

First, a licensed electrical engineer will come to your home to inspect your roof, check the existing electrical panel, and ensure that your electrical system can handle the load of solar panels. If the electrician determines that your current system is too small, he or she will tell you what’s needed to upgrade or replace it.

Once the engineer is finished with his or her evaluation, he or she will place wiring that will connect your solar panel system to the electrical grid. After that, he or she will set up racks that will hold the solar panels in position. Finally, the engineer will connect your solar panels to your home’s inverter.

Solar Panel Maintenance

Solar panels work best when they’re clean, free of debris and clear of obstructions that block the sun’s rays. This means clearing fallen leaves, outstretched branches and excess pollen, for example.

Debris can also reduce panel efficiency, causing micro-cracks that can lead to reduced production. Rain, snow, hail and other weather events can also cause damage.

Generally, solar panel maintenance should be done twice to four times a year. This includes cleaning, a check for loose or crooked wires and a review of the system’s performance.

Solar Panel Repairs

Solar panels are a great option for renewable energy because they use the sun’s power to generate electricity. But they can be vulnerable to a number of factors that cause them to malfunction and need repairs.

Weather conditions like storms, hail, snow pressure and lightning are some of the most common causes of damage to solar panels. These can cause extensive damages to the glass of the solar panel and even to the cells.

A damaged solar panel can be repaired on-site, but larger issues require specialized treatment at a repair centre. The technicians at a specialist solar repair center can perform extensive automated tests like power measurement, flash and insulation testing to ensure that your panels are working at their peak performance.

If your solar panels are not producing enough energy, it could be because they’re broken or the wiring is loose. You can also check for signs of damage, such as discoloration, delamination, and snail trails.
