Online therapy in a nutshell is a form of treatment in which a professional therapist offers services to a client through electronic means such as e-mail, text messaging, instant messaging, and video conferencing. Through this type of internet communication, the therapists try to help individuals cope with issues that they may be facing in their lives. In most cases, online therapy includes a variety of methods to help the client reach their full potential, which may include tools such as online assessments, CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), psychoeducational, hypnosis techniques, and traditional talk-therapy sessions.

Many people are skeptical when it comes to buying the benefits that come with paying for an internet therapist if they are able to find one. Most clients are very intimidated by the idea of online therapy, especially if they are used to face-to-face sessions. Many therapists lack confidence when it comes to internet therapy because they feel that video conferencing won’t allow them to build a strong enough relationship with their client(s).

Benefits of online therapy

Although there is much controversy surrounding online therapy, there are some benefits that you will receive if you pick the right and best online therapy.

More convenient

First of all, online therapy can be much more convenient than traditional therapy because it allows you to do sessions in the comfort of your own home. If you live someplace that doesn’t have easy access to nearby therapists or if you are not comfortable with sharing personal information in public places, this may be a great option for you. Since most people are attached to their phones and computers these days, you will be able to reach your therapist 24/7.

Less costly

Online therapy is much less costly than traditional face-to-face appointments. You will most likely spend less time commuting or traveling, which means that you would have more time for yourself.

More flexible

Many therapists are very flexible with their schedule, so they will be able to accommodate your schedule for therapy sessions. If you are only available on the weekends or in the evenings, this may be a great option for you. Nowadays even though people are busier than ever online therapy has become much more common over the past few years.

Online therapy will offer the same benefits as traditional face-to-face sessions, including cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT, psychoeducational techniques etc. With online therapy, you are still able to reach your full potential, but you can do this in a setting that is more comfortable for you.

So before passing judgment on online therapy consider how you will benefit from the services, and weigh out your options.

Cost of online therapy

Many people turn to internet therapy because it is much more affordable than traditional sessions; you can usually purchase a package that includes multiple sessions for about half the price of one face-to-face appointment. There are also some websites that offer free online counseling if you are on a tight budget.

So is online therapy worth it?

My advice to trying out internet therapy would be if you are not comfortable with sharing personal information in public places, or if you don’t like traveling then this option may benefit you greatly. As long as the therapist that you choose has the experience, and is available for the sessions that you require, then this may be the key to success for you.

Remember, if you don’t like your online therapist there are other options available to you. You can find therapists by word of mouth or through referrals from friends and family members, so don’t give up hope if your first session isn’t perfect. Good luck!
